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Star Gazer Update!

Cass Merrigan

The quilt top is finished!!! Well, a little over a week ago now... its been long enough for me to mourn not having to think about what I will be sewing while having Netflix and chill. Also long enough for me to star second guessing ALL of my fabric choices, and even though I am pretty tired of looking at this project some days I have to admit I am glad I did it. I was working quilt shows when the Aqua / Red quilts were a trend and something in me has wanted something ever since, it may not be aqua but I loved the Carnaby range so much it was close enough.

Crumped quilt top featuring liberty's carnaby collection.
Star Gazer EPP quilt by Cake & Ale

Of course in my quest to make it a roomy queen sized quilt I made it wider than two widths of standard fabric (there were no 108" fabrics that I loved for this project). So I am making a cute wee EPP strip down the center of the two pieces, in typical Cass style I am loving the back more than the front I spent 18 months crafting (insert eye roll here).

Stacked pink tone basics and liberty carnaby
Star Gazer Quilt Backing fabric

The wonderful thing about the fabric prints you are using being around two years old is that when you find them for in stores, they are on SALE! So the Liberty print in the above photo was only $15 / mt! 5.5 mt and a few solids later we are well on the way to having the backing put together. Originally I had planned on red / white gingham for the backing but the Hubby thought it "was a little boring", what would you have done?? Red Gingham or more liberty?

Blush, bubble gum and raspberry fabrics
Pink EPP Pieces

I know pink and red seems like an odd choice but I think it matches the backing fabric really well. I LOVE pink and red together (and pink and orange), and I was REALLY (like really, really, really) over the red white and blue of the quilt top. Also I am planning on using two colours for the quilting, Bubble Gum and Shinto Gate in a perle 8 weight. They arrive in the post tomorrow so final decisions once they are in my hot little hands, if its not love I have an eleven year old who has volunteered to take "good care" of them. I also ordered three different "safe" blue options that should work.

My version of this quilt finished up at the 85 x 96 inch mark, I make quilts to be used so I wanted maximum snuggle space under this quilt. I also needed to use all the templates I had basted, there were only 3 left over.

Hand pieced quilt in basket weave design
Star Gazer EPP quilt by Cake & Ale

My mini's were super proud to help out with the quilt photo, they really are my biggest fans.

My minions helping out

One thing I hadn't planned out when I started this quilt was how I was going to finish off the top and bottom edges, the original plan was just to trim off at a certain point and sacrifice a few pieces. I really should know myself better than that, I can never bring myself to sacrifice fabric that way. SO, I made a whacky piece and now I only have to trim off a few tips and we are good to go!

How I finished off the quilt top without having to hack too much off.
Star Gazer EPP quilt by Cake & Ale

With the quilt top finished the pattern is well underway, its now about half way written and illustrated... truthfully I am stalling on having to work out the quilt maths. I also want to make any Cake & Ale quilt project a complete choose your own adventure experience so am trying to figure out much additional information to include. By here is a little proof that I have indeed started it ; )

Image of the pattern that will be released soon.
Star Gazer EPP quilt by Cake & Ale

Until next time dear possums!



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